Frequently asked Questions

Where is your showroom located?

We do not have a showroom.

Do you have cars in stock?


Can I see the car and check it out before buying?

Unfortunately, this is not possible, as all cars are purchased in the customer’s name directly from the auction in accordance with the terms of our contract. However, we do provide detailed information about the condition of the car.

Why is it profitable to order a car from you?

We offer cars to order, purchasing them from dealer auctions in Germany in the customer’s name, in three profitable categories:

• Test drive – cars from official German dealers with a mileage of up to 8,000 km. These are practically new cars with minimal use, which guarantees their excellent condition.

• Leasing – used cars, which are subject to a favorable discount due to the lessee’s payments. The mileage of such cars does not exceed 80,000 km, which makes them an attractive choice in terms of price and quality.

• Advertising – cars used as exhibition exhibits with advertising banners and dealer logos. These cars are on advertising sites for one to two years, and have a minimum mileage of no more than 1-2 thousand km.

Thanks to these categories, such cars are 20-25% cheaper. In addition, the German VAT of 19% is returned, which allows us to offer our customers a competitive price of 39-44% below the average market price.

Is the price on the website fixed?

The price on the website is fixed for the order, but you can place your bid by clicking the “Place a bid” button, and we will try to buy from the dealer at the price you offer.

What is the cost of customs clearance?

Individually for each country, check with the managers via WhatsApp/Telegram contacts.

How can I be sure that the car is in perfect condition?

We fully guarantee the delivery of the car in perfect condition, without damage and traces of paint. All this is fixed in the contract that we will conclude with you.

Before sending the car, we will conduct a detailed check of its condition, and you will receive an official act confirming the absence of defects. Thus, you will be completely confident in the quality and safety of your car.

How long does delivery take?

Depends on the region, check individually.

How can I pay you?

Bank transfer or cryptocurrency.

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2024-12-16   WE1

الشراء حسب الطلب للسيارات والشاحنات والطائرات واليخوت والساعات من المزاد الأوروبي باسم العملاء مع التسليم في جميع أنحاء العالم.

Europe Auction يشتري سيارات للطلب باسم العميل من مزادات التجار في ثلاث فئات: اختبار القيادة، المؤجر، الإعلان. السيارات في هذه الفئات الثلاث أرخص بنسبة 20-25%، كما يتم استرداد ضريبة القيمة المضافة الألمانية بنسبة 19%، وهو ما يمنحنا في المجمل سعرًا تنافسيًا جيدًا أقل من السوق بنسبة 39-44%. إحدى السمات الأساسية لمزاد السيارات والشاحنات والطائرات واليخوت والساعات الأوروبية، المعترف بها كشركة رائدة في سوق مزادات السيارات الأوروبية، هي الشفافية الكاملة والوصول المجاني إلى المعلومات حول أعمالها.

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2024-12-16  WE1

Purchase to order cars, trucks, planes, yachts and watches from the European Auction on behalf of customers with delivery around the world.

Europe Auction purchases cars to order on behalf of the customer at dealer auctions in three categories: test drives, leasing, advertising. Cars in these three categories are 20-25% cheaper, plus the German VAT of 19% is refunded, giving us a good overall competitive price of 39-44% below the market.
One of the key features of Auction of European cars, trucks, planes, yachts and watches, recognized as a leader in the European car auction market, is to provide complete transparency and free access to information about their business.

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2024-12-16  WE1

Покупка под заказ Автомобилей, Грузовиков, Самолетов, Яхт, Часов с Европейского Аукциона на имя клиентов с доставкой по всему миру.

Европейский аукцион покупает авто под заказ на имя клиента с дилерских аукционов по трем категориям: Тест-драйвы, Лизинговые, Рекламные. Автомобили этих трех категорий на 20-25% дешевле, также возвращается немецкий НДС в размере 19%, что в сумме дает нам хорошую конкурентную цену на 39-44% ниже рыночной.
Одной из главных особенностей аукциона европейских автомобилей, грузовиков, самолетов, яхт и часов, признанного лидером европейского автомобильного аукционного рынка, является полная прозрачность и свободный доступ к информации о своем бизнесе.

Сайты получают сертификаты TrustWebs за соответствие стандартам безопасности веб-сайтов и ответственную работу. Ищите сертификаты TrustWebs на сайтах интернет-магазинов и делайте покупки с уверенностью.

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TrustWebs continually monitors this website for security threats such as malware, malicious links and phishing. The last security scan revealed no problems.

Google Safe Browsing hat keine Probleme festgestellt

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2024-12-16  WE1

Purchase to order cars, trucks, planes, yachts and watches from the European Auction on behalf of customers with delivery around the world.

Europe Auction purchases cars to order on behalf of the customer at dealer auctions in three categories: test drives, leasing, advertising. Cars in these three categories are 20-25% cheaper, plus the German VAT of 19% is refunded, giving us a good overall competitive price of 39-44% below the market.
One of the key features of Auction of European cars, trucks, planes, yachts and watches, recognized as a leader in the European car auction market, is to provide complete transparency and free access to information about their business.

Sites receive TrustWebs certifications for meeting website security standards and operating responsibly. Look for TrustWebs seals on online shopping sites and shop with confidence.
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